Prof. Dr. Chris Tedjasukmana

AG 3

Institut für Film-, Theater-, Medien- und Kulturwissenschaft (FTMK)
Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz
Wallstr. 11
55122 Mainz


Critical phenomenology of the body, witness and memory cultures, video activism, social media research, postcolonial research, film and media theory, gender and queer research, political aesthetics

Wissenschaftlicher Werdegang
Dr. Chris Tedjasukmana is Professor of Everyday Media and Digital Cultures at the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, principal investigator of the research group on "Attention Strategies of Video Activism on the Social Web" (Volkswagen Foundation), and co-editor of Mon-tage AV. Journal for Theory and History of Audiovisual Communication (in German). Previously, he was PI of the research group "Video Activism between Social Media and Social Movements" (VW Foundation) and Visiting Professor for Media Theory at the Institute of Philosophy at the University of Vienna and at the University of Art and Design Linz/Austria. Previously, he was Assistant Professor at the Seminar of Film Studies and the Collaborative Research Centre 626 at FU Berlin and received fellowships in Vienna, Copenhagen and New York. In Frankfurt/Main he studied theater, film and media studies, philosophy, and political science.

Publikationen (Top 5)

(mit Jens Eder und Britta Hartmann:) Understanding Video Activism on Social Media. London: Intellect.
Messy Images. Zur Unordnung vernetzter Bilder. Themenschwerpunkt der Zeitschrift Montage AV, 31.1.
(mit Guido Kirsten, Hrsg.:) Klassische Filmtheorie. Mainz: Ventil.
(mit Jens Eder und Britta Hartmann, Hrsg.:) Bewegungsbilder. Politische Videos in Sozialen Medien. Berlin: Bertz + Fischer.
Mechanische Verlebendigung. Ästhetische Erfahrung im Kino. Paderborn: Fink.